Killer Combo

Is this really food?? and Is this really worth 10 bucks. I think if i found this inside a dumpster i would leave it. I want to meet the marketing genius that came up with this one. This was in the freezer case at Buy For Less. No small wonder in a state where diners frequently ask for an "Bowl of ranch" to go with whatever they order out.
Here is a man after my heart,

digging in the dumpster outside of the Hemlock Tavern in San Francisco. If I thought there might be something other than broken glass and cardboard I would have joined him. Thanks to friends of Evangelicals Ben and Blake I didnt have to resort to digging in scary San Francisco dumpsters. They gave us floor to sleep on and allowed me to raid their fridge to make a delicious medley of sauteed potatoes, leeks, broccoli, onions and garlic.

Eating for free at his house allowed me to to purchase some delicious late night donuts after the show at the Hemlock Tavern.
Free Headphones Anyone?

Hell yes! even in the midst of this dark day while I travel home to my grandmothers funeral there is still something for a scavenger to celebrate. If anyone needs a free set of cheap ass ear buds hit me up. Or next time you have to book a last minute flight out of Portland travel Frontier airlines
The unexpected death of my Grandmother has found me leaving the tour for a couple days to be with family in Kansas. Today I find myself in the Portland Airport flying to Wichita Kansas. Ill be meeting up with the band in a few days in Salt Lake City after the funeral. I wish I were writing under happier circumstances. I owe so much to my grandmother, including many of my cooking skills and sense of thrift to my grandmother Im going to miss her more than I can comprehend at this moment.
I was starting to feel hungry and sorry for myself until I saw a hot dog stand called Bad Dogz. They had a fixings bar complete with sauerkraut onions and jalapinos. Free condiment bars are a welcome site. I got some fresh corn tortillas and fresh cheese from a Mexican grocery in San Francisco. This was breakfast today.

Free condiments from the hot dog bar at gas stations help to supplement the road diet. Pilot Travel stops have particularly good condiment bars including sauerkraut, tomatoes, onions, hot peppers, and salsa. Thanks to an empty pickle jar I found at Josh's house, and the U2 360 tour catering room, I have been enjoying free hot tea this tour. I pocketed enough free tea bags to last me the entire month. Hot water is free and available at most gas stations on a red tab next to the coffee makers.
On tour a friendly dumpster is often hard to find. This leads me to employ other methods of scoring free food. Today i found myself in the Seattle airport at lunch time. I wasn't content to eat corn tortillas so I began searching the food court for "Table Scores" or half eaten and abandoned food. after 20 minutes of looking I was still hungry. Travelers are reluctant to let their overpriced airport food go to waste. So my next recourse was to begin asking cashiers for damaged or throw away food that they couldn't serve. After being turned away at a sandwich shop I decided it was time to stop begging and broke down and bought some Wendy's. I had some buyout money from the Portland show. I hope my readers will forgive me for breaking with my free food lifestyle. Life on the road requires some creative adaptation. I did gain enough courage after eating my chili, potato, and side salad to swipe a fruit parfait and coffee from an unassuming coffee

Such a rebel am I. Desperate times cal for desperate measures. I needed that desert and wasn't about to pay 5 dollars for yogurt and a coffee. I made it to my flight just in time all the while wondering if airport security was after me.....